Critical Signs of Cysyphosis Syndrome in Business

Başak Özcan
3 min readFeb 28, 2022

Sisyphus is a king in Greek Mythology who was condemned to roll a huge rock to the highest point of a hill forever in the Underworld.The gods of the Land of the Dead condemn him to rolling stones forever; every time he approaches the goal, the stone falls down again.

It’s a really terrible punishment. Yet, I love the poetic philosophy underlying the tragedies and punishments in greek mythology.

It must be a real torture to go back to the beginning of the road after every goal achieved, to not be able to go one step further.

Photo by at Pexels

So are we able to see the signals that cause cysyphosis syndrome well enough in our career journey, private life and even our corporate human resources strategy?

Some signals that cause cysyphosis syndrome are as follows;

Procedures that are not facilitated and simplified

Procedures are devices that, when used well and in accordance with their intended purpose, protect both the employee and the organization, create effective and frame-specific products. Yet the fact that the procedures are coercive or make life difficult rather than easy is an element that will lead you to cysyphosis syndrome. If you start a new process, project or case in business life, get the same permissions with the same difficulty and start the whole process as if you were doing it all over again for the first time, you may have this syndrome! No need to rediscover America!

New Beginnings Don’t Take You to the Next Level

The top of one mountain is the bottom of another so keep climbing.

Andre De Shields

The curse of sisyphosis was not that he was doomed to climb, but that he had to carry the same rock up the same hill over and over again.The new decisions, initiatives or beginnings you make in your life should take you one step further. It may be more money or netwoek; it may be more peace of mind. You can also switch to a job where you learn more with a lower salary, as well as a less instructive job with a higher title. The main thing is to make sure that you are above your previous step without deceiving or misleading yourself.

Do not Skip Happiness or Satisfaction

Not leaving your comfort zone traps you in a cycle of initiatives that don’t take you one step further than the ones I just mentioned above. Getting out of the comfort zone , maybe climbing a steeper slope are the paths that bring success. But happiness and satisfaction are such critical elements that can never be bypassed. The first months in your new job can be very unhappy, you may think that your decision to move abroad was the wrong one. The unhappiness and pain of leaving the comfort zone can be easily compared. But eventually you realize the work that makes you unhappy, unsatisfied, that you don’t think you’ve accomplished yourself. Don’t do the job. Because even though it seems to take you forward, it will wear you down emotionally and motivationally, and take you further back at a point that you can’t control. Insights and feelings are often more valuable than advice. If the issues offered to you, such as promotion, job change, opportunity abroad, do not make you feel happy or satisfied regardless of leaving your comfort zone, do not do this job.

